30 Chefs 30 Gifts

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Donec feugiat tempor turpis, rutrum sagittis mi venenatis at. Sed molestie lorem a blandit congue. Ut pellentesque odio quis leo volutpat, vitae vulputate felis condimentum. Praesent vulputate fermentum lorem, id rhoncus sem vehicula eu. Quisque ullamcorper, orci adipiscing auctor viverra, velit arcu malesuada metus, in volutpat tellus sem at justo.

Every donor gets a copy of 30 recipes straight from our chefs! Donate to reserve your copy today.

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Make an Honary Gift

Give someone a gift that truly honors them by making the world a better place and helping hungry children, adults, and senior citizens in need. When you make a gift to Masbia in honor of someone you love, that donation will go directly to our mission of relieving hunger.

We at Masbia will send that special person a letter acknowledging the gift that you made in their name for whatever special occasion (birthdays, anniversaries, memorials, holidays, etc). Write a personal message and we will include this in our acknowledgment letter. Give the gift that gives to hundreds of hungry people everyday!

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Make a Traditional Jewish Dedication

It has long been a Jewish tradition to contribute to a charity to benefit yourself or a loved one. You can make a donation to Masbia and dedicate your gift for the sake of someone you know who is ill. Or perhaps you are hoping to meet a good future spouse someday soon, or you want a friend of yours who is looking to find their match. Whatever the case may be, and whatever you wish for someone else or yourself, you can dedicate your donation here.

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Would you like to make your gift recurring? Click here.

Send acknowledgements to:

If you are making a dedication or honary gift you have the option to send acknowledgements to a person of your choosing. If you would like to do so, please enter their information below.
