Posted: Oct 04, 2017 7:05 PM EDT; Updated: Oct 04, 2017 9:08 PM EDT
BOROUGH PARK - A Brooklyn soup kitchen will be open throughout the week to help those in need celebrate the Jewish holiday Sukkot.
BOROUGH PARK - A Brooklyn soup kitchen will be open throughout the week to help those in need celebrate the Jewish holiday Sukkot.
This space is open for anybody who does not have room to build their own sukkahs.
"Real estate is so tight in New York. People don't have room to do it, and those people come to a public sukkah and have their meal," says Alexander Rapaport, of Masbia Soup Kitchen, which expects to serve thousands of meals during the course of Sukkot.
For the first time, it will be open 24 hours during the course of the holiday.
Read the original story HERE