Time Sensitive: Sponsor Passover Food For The Needy And Your Donation Will Be Doubled Dollar-For-Dollar till April 8rd.


Passover may be over but the need is now even greater. To donate to our current response to the hunger wave, click here.


Together, we could raise $216,000 towards the staggering expenses Masbia incurs each Passover. An anonymous donor will match all Passover donations made before April 3rd - extended to April 8th - dollar-for-dollar -- up to $108,000! The money we raise on this page will go towards Passover Grocery Packages. Packages for a family of 4 still cost approximately $108/family. TOTAL COST $216,000 for 2,000 families currently in crisis and relying on Masbia. This is the bare minimum needed but the more we raise, the more we can distribute to those struggling. 

Don’t let this opportunity slip away. Help us max out the donor’s offer so that we can provide the most we can.

To donate via Venmo click here (only donations made through this page though will be immediately reflected on the goal bar).

Other Passover Sponsorship opportunities: Sponsor Hot Passover Meals, or Sponsor COVID-19 Emergency Quarantine Packages

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