Masbia on News12 Brooklyn: Leora Nachman, 1000 Challah DIY kits to be packaged and distributed at Masbia for those in need.
The anchor of News12 Brooklyn, Eric Steltzer, introduces reporter Arnold Davick at Masbia of Flatbush in Brooklyn, reporting on a touching story about a 12 years old girl, Leora Nachman, using her promise to give back to the community. Leora's mother, Naomi Nachman, joined the event as well as Esty Wolbe.
Read morePress Release--2/9/20--12 Year Old Raises Challah Baking Food Staples For Her Bat Mitzvah at Masbia
Distributing Challah | Making Challah at Home | Recipes | Resources - Masbia Soup Kitchen Network
Challah is a very basic food staple in a Jewish household. Therefore, making sure people have the ability to put challah on the table is something that is very important to us at Masbia. This is why it's included as part of the basic staples that are distributed to the needy. Challah also poses a dilemma. What type of challah should be offered? Being that it is so popular also means that there are various takes on it, or what happens to someone who does not need challah?
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