Masbia in the Bklyner.: The New Breadline Starts On Your Phone: Masbia Soup Kitchen Serves Food With Dignity
Read the article below written by Keira Wingate, in the Bklyner., on how Masbia Soup Kitchen Network serves as many people as possible in a better way and with dignity, through the appointment-based system called the Plentiful app.
Read moreDemand For Charity Food at Masbia To Spike During The High Holiday Season of 2020. Here's Why:
In addition to the 500% increase in demand that Masbia experienced throughout the pandemic, the demand is spiking even higher with many new faces showing up.
Read moreMasbia on New York Public Radio (WNYC): Masbia Soup Kitchen Network Doing Food Relief on Labor Day
Masbia Soup Kitchen Network featured on New York Public Radio (WNYC). Labor day weekend is used to restock supplies to feed those in need.
Read moreMasbia in the Jewish Press: Masbia Announces New Tech Support Hotline for Breadline Modernization Transition to Appointments
Read the article below written by Laura Allen, in the Jewish Press, on Masbia is modernizing the breadline, via the Plentiful app, to give people back their dignity, safety, and their time during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read moreMasbia in the Influencive: Alexander Rapaport uses his Expertise to Help those in Need
Read the article below written by Jacob Maslow, in the Influencive, on Masbia, the first kosher soup kitchen in Brooklyn thanks to Alexander Rapaport, who always was interested in giving back to the local New York area.
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