Masbia Relief on i24News: Families Of Holocaust Survivos Welcome Afghan Refugees
On November 03, 2021, Senior U.S. Correspondent Mike Wagenheim of i24News came to Masbia of Boro Park in Brooklyn to report on a food drive for Afghan Refugees. During the report, our ED Alexander Rapaport was interviewed.
Read moreMasbia on i24News in French: USA / Covid-19: Food banks overwhelmed
On November 25, 2020, reporter Marie Gentric of i24News in French came to Masbia of Flatbush in Brooklyn to report on food banks overwhelmed in the USA due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including an interview with our ED Alexander Rapaport.
Masbia on i24News: Masbia is making a difference, in Borough Park, distributing groceries during Covid-19
The anchor of i24News in English, Calev Ben-David, reported about Masbia of Boro Park crowded with people to get free meals and groceries during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Read moreMasbia on i24News in French: As unemployment high rocket due to coronavirus, Americans turn to charities for food
Reporter Marie Gentric of i24News in French reported about the increased Americans seeking help from food banks due to soaring unemployment since the coronavirus breakout. Our ED Alexander Rapaport points out that Masbia is seeing the number of clients growing day by day.