COVID19 Relief - You can Make a Difference - Feed a Hungry Family - Food Needed by the Trailer - Load Up for Masbia

We have an opportunity to buy trailers of food at wholesale prices and keep our warehouses stocked through this time of continuing unprecedented demand. Help us seize the opportunity.

Masbia Soup Kitchen Network's COVID-19 Relief Mobilization is battling this historic food crisis with a 500% increase in demand for emergency food. We are currently giving out over twelve tractor trailer loads every single week to the people standing on those unprecedented breadlines. Your dollars turn into trailer loads of food. 


"The surge in need in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, is testing Rapaport more severely now than at any time during his 15-year run operating the only five-day-a-week kosher soup kitchen in the city. Known as a holy hustler for his tireless fundraising efforts and dedication to the needy, Rapaport has had to pivot overnight from his original, sit-down format to a distribution venue. The three Masbia locations now feed about 40,000 people a week, a four-fold increase since the onset of the coronavirus." - Steve Lipman, NY Jewish Week

To cover all the food we need, we are crowdfunding a page for each trailer. Some of the funding pages offer a gift to people who donate, so you can receive a bonuses like a cookbook, coaching session, or gourmet food.

Everyone who makes a donation of any size will also receive a downloadable e-book of recipes from

Find your Trailer to Donate To by Host; Food Item; Corporate Match/Gift:

Masbia's Covid-19 mobilization IN THE NEWS: NY1JewishWeeki24TVNYTTPMJTALilithForward.