NY Daily News: Tzimmes, a popular Rosh Hashanah dish, shines during Masbia Soup Kitchen’s Labor Day event

‘Tis the season for tzimmes.

Tzimmes, a traditional hearty carrot stew known for its multiple variations, was an instant hit at the Union Square Farmers Market on Labor Day — when Masbia Soup Kitchen served the adaptable dish in preparation for Rosh Hashana.

Also on the menu for interested passers-by: a decorative recipe booklet of 30 different ways to prepare and cook the tzimmes dish.

“People who contributed recipes came in celebration of the debut of the book and to dish out some tzimmes,” said Alex Rapaport, Executive Director of Masbia Soup Kitchen.

“They talked to people about these recipes, helped give out booklets and engaged people to taste different styles of carrots.”

The kosher soup kitchen, which has locations in Brooklyn and Queens, set up shop in a tent belonging to a Muslim organic farmer to serve the tasty dish.

Masbia’s chefs and contributors to the recipe book worked in tandem to spread the word about this sacred dish by distributing 1,500 of these booklets so people had time to make it before the Jewish holiday.


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