Chanukah Toy Drive for Chlidren of Needy Families at Masbia Soup Kitchen by Eli Hawk
Current Donors
The highlight of a child’s Chanukah is receiving a present from his/her parents, and nothing beats talking to their friends about it the next day. Some children, however, do not get any presents. Their parents simply can not afford it.
Masbia provides warm, wholesome meals to hundreds of needy families daily, in addition to weekly packages of groceries. I am running a toy drive through Masbia to give presents to these children. Please help me spread some of that Chanukah Light to families in need.
You can help by donating toys through the Amazon Wishlist I created - the shipping information is pre-entered - or by making a tax-deductible donation below. [Masbia (main office) 1276 47th Street 3rd Floor Brooklyn NY 11219]
In conjunction with the toy drive, there will be a Chanukah party at Masbia of Flatbush on Tuesday, December 4th from 6:00-9:00 PM. If you can volunteer to help with food and music for any of the time, please email me at [email protected].
Looking forward to spreading Chanukah Light together. Click here to help now.
Happy Chanukah,
Eli Hawk