Masbia relies on our friends and supporters for the operation of Masbia. Masbia lives and breathes through our volunteers, our social media retweeters, and everyone who provides a helping hand. At Masbia, we keep the lights on through YOUR hard work and generosity. Create you account below to become a member of our growing community in the fight against hunger.
**Note: This is NOT the volunteer application. This is to create an account on our site to utilize selected features. Please see the Volunteer tab under Get Involved if you wish to become a volunteer.
Who's joining
Kelly Mitchell donated
Lindsey Lo donated
Tamara Klein donated
Susana Rubinova donated
Georgiy Fayziyev donated
Georgiy Fayziyev donated
Barbara Grant donated
Barbara Grant donated
Ella Melamud donated
Tom and Betty Steier donated
Tom and Betty Steier donated
Tom and Betty Steier donated
Tom and Betty Steier donated
Hongquan Lim donated
edina sultanik donated
David Wiesner donated
Joseph Piontkowski donated
Joseph Piontkowski donated
Jennifer Contreras donated
Seth Huttel donated
Laivi Malamutsalvaggio donated
Jose Gavidia donated
Jose Gavidia donated
Zac Schwartz donated
Kacper Biel donated
Abe Loomis donated
Kathleen Susan Herzog donated
Leanne Kumin donated
Missy Degleffetti donated
Emilio Paesano donated
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