Amazon Wishlist of Critically Needed Items to Help Masbia Feed the Needy


While serving 500% more families in need of emergency food due to the pandemic, everything at our facilities is overburdened. Our food supply is very low, our equipment is very worn. Plus the safety measures require a regime of supplies and equipment of its own.  If you are someone who gets a thrill out of buying items that will be used directly to feed the needy, the following wishlist is constantly updated by our chefs and staff based on what our needs are. Click here

Masbia's Amazon Wishlist Click Here

Masbia's Amazon Smile Official Wishlist Click Here

Delivery Address: Masbia 1272 54th Street Brooklyn NY 11219 

It is extremely helpful to us that you forward us your order email from Amazon. We can track your order and make sure your items arrive since Amazon does not notify us and we do not have your order information. That will also enable us to send you an adequate goods receipt for your donation. Please send emails to [email protected].

NOTE: If you love this concept, you are not alone. In 2017, we raised way over $100,000 of goods from Amazon Wishlists for feeding the hungry at Masbia.

**We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.**